
Theoretical/Practical Training


Focusing on maintenance, operation and performance of Kepler Weber equipment, we provide theoretical and practical training, ensuring requalification and technical updates for unit operators and managers.



  • Delivery of digital certificate; Standard number of training hours: 16 hours;
  • Customized training hours: according to specific client needs;
  • Groups: up to 35 participants.


Assisted Operation Training

This is a practical training session held at the clients’ units, with their own equipment, demonstrating in practice its operation, as well as adjustments and maintenance. It aims to improve the efficiency of these units, ensuring requalification and technical updates for operators and supervisors and generating more satisfaction for our clients.



  • Delivery of digital certificate;
  • Standard number of training hours: 08 hours;
  • Customized training hours: according to specific client needs;
  • Groups: up to 12 participants.